WWE NXT 2.0 Live Results (July 26, 2022) - Capitol Wrestling Center, Winter Park, FL - WWE Wrestling News

2022-07-29 22:56:19 By : Ms. vicky zhang

We open with Stark making her way out to a nice pop. The crowd gives her a vociferous “welcome back” chant and she tells us it’s great to be back. She reminds us that at Halloween Havoc, she tore her MCL and ACL right off the bone, leaving her unsure if she’d be able to come back. Yet she believed in herself, she started physical therapy the day after surgery, and pushed herself to get back 4 months faster than the expected time table. She then addresses mental insecurities felt during her time off. She recalls her return in the battle royal, and the reaction from the crowd, stating it was worth it. She thanks the crowd. The crowd shows love back. She boasts about being the number one contender to the NXT Women’s Championship and addresses Toxic Attraction. She threatens to be the one to take the title from Mandy Rose but is interrupted by Cora Jade! Cora mocks Zoey by saying she wants to thank her protein shake, et cetera. Zoey threatens harm to Jade; Jade replies that Stark “had to steal (her) moment!” Stark states Jade’s moment was when she threw the tag title in the trash can like a piece of trash. She then calls Jade trash. Jade starts to brag that she did more in one week as champion than Zoey did in all her– They’re interrupted as Toxic Attraction make their way out. Mandy Rose mocks them, and states that they can talk a big game but “when it comes to this title, I only win! And tomorrow I become the fourth longest-reigning Women’s Champion in NXT history! Goodbye, Bayley; goodbye, Charlotte, Raquel Rodriguez (and) Paige.” She tells Stark to put respect on her name. Stark challenges Rose for the title tonight. Gigi Dolin tells Stark that she doesn’t call the shots around here. She then states she’ll fight Stark tonight and keep Stark’s dream of becoming NXT Women’s Champion, well, a dream.

Waller cuts a quick promo, calling all the viewers fat and states he’s going to embarrass Wes Lee “almost as much as you embarrass yourself every time you look in a mirror.” We head to break.

Wes Lee and Grayson Waller start off with a lengthy sequence involving multiple counters and reversals. Wes Lee gets plenty of time to show off his truly impressive agility. Waller takes the lead, temporarily, by catching Lee on a rope rebound with a kick to the gut. Waller looks for an axe kick but Lee avoids it, ducks under and sends Waller to the outside. We head to commercial as Wes Lee pursues Waller outside, delivers a few blows, and takes it back into the ring. Waller whips Lee; Lee looks for a tilt-a-whirl takedown but Waller overpowers Lee and counters with a rib breaker! Lee is thrown to the outside by Waller, who then takes a few moments to taunt the crowd before asking the ref to start the count-out. Lee rises at five and tries to enter. Waller uses a wrecking ball slide to stop Lee from entering, while also resetting the count. Waller then takes it back into the ring, where he begins a long stretch of offense against Lee throughout the remainder of the commercial break. We return as Wes Lee begins his comeback sequence, using his agility to fly around the ring and punish Waller. Unfortunately, Lee is caught on the top turnbuckle and is shoved to the outside by Waller. Lee barely makes it back into the ring but is fatigued and unable to stop Waller from hitting his rolling cutter finisher to pick up the win. Your Winner, Grayson Waller!

Gacy and the Dyads–the artists formerly known as the Grizzled Young Veterans–cut a quick promo backstage. James Drake has shaved his beard and entire head and wears two different-colored contacts (remember Kane doing that back in the day?) He physically even favors what I’d expect Kane’s son to look like. Zack Gibson’s hair is shorter and he’s clean shaven. Both men are dressed…like Joe Gacy. Such a huge change to their gimmicks.

Crews makes his interest to a good pop and we head to break! When we return, Quinn makes his entrance. Crews starts off strong and takes the early lead, absolutely manhandling Quinn with ease. Quinn rallies after about two minutes of this and gets a spurt of offense in for a few moments. Crews counters the X Factor with a sequence ending in a Backstabber, followed by a modified chokeslam and that’s all, folks. Your Winner, Apollo Crews!

Gigi is out first, escorted by Mandy Rose and Jacy Jayne. We head to a quick break. We return and finally get our match under way. Stark takes an early lead but Toxic Attraction at ringside factor in almost immediately as they distract Stark, allowing Dolin to take control. Dolin spends about a minute on offense until Stark hits her unnamed finisher and picks up the quick win. After the match, Toxic attempted to attack but Stark fended them off successfully. Finally Cora Jade gets involved, attacking Stark from behind with a kendo stick. She smacks Stark several times until a returning Roxanne Perez makes the save. The post-match stuff was longer than the match. Your Winner, Zoey Stark!

JD is in the audience when we return from a break. He addresses a fan eating popcorn and expresses concern that the man could choke to death on popcorn. He then addresses the bell-ringer, telling the audience it’s an important job that he does. JD then asks if we know what a hammer can do to the human hand, and then states that he could dislocate a finger swinging the hammer “so swing carefully!” He moves on to announcer Alicia Taylor and simply tells her she has a fabulous voice. He moves to the commentary team and tells Wade Barrett that he’s a big fan. He then tells Wade he can tell by their handshake that Barrett’s hands are suffering from inflammation. He addresses Vic Joseph. “I heard what you said about my family on television last week and I didn’t like it. But I sized you up the second I saw you! Tall, slim, you probably have a soft bone structure. You probably broke a lot of bones growing up, didn’t ya?” He then threatens to break Vic’s collarbone with his bare hand, but then states he won’t. He moves to the ring and calls out Bron Breakker! The NXT Champion makes his way out and says nothing. Both men shoulder bump each other, with the champ knocking the “Irish Ace” down, ending our segment.

BOdhi and the other members of Chase U are shown backstage. Nathan Frazer asks for the right to carry the Chase U banner to the ring for Chase’s upcoming match. He agrees, they go off cheering for Chase U and we head to break!

Roxanne Perez is shown with her title backstage. Alundra Blayze (aka Medusa) shows up with the trash can that Cora Jade dumped her tag title in and, in a nice throwback to the infamous incident, Blayze removes the title from the trash and states the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships will be back immediately, as she regrets her actions–it took “a long time” before a new WWE Women’s Champion was crowned. She then announces a Fatal 4-Way tag match next week for the vacated titles!

After a break and a short promo for Saturday NIGHT’S SummerSlam and a comic-themed vignette for the repackaged A-Kid, now known as Axiom, we finally get our entrances. Chase and Giovanni go back and forth to start us off. Chase executes a beautiful Crucifix pin. Giovanni gets a few seconds of offense in before Chase takes him down with an arm bar and begins to work the arm. Giovanni breaks the hold, whips Chase into the ropes and hits a leaping single-leg dropkick to Chase’s face, beginning his own stretch of offense. We head to break and return with Vinci still in control, using working holds to wear down Chase. Andre fires up his comeback, culminating with a Side Russian Leg Sweep and the spelling of “C-H-A-S-E U” with the crowd before driving Vinci down and covering for two. Chase hooks Giovanni with a butterfly hook and attempts a suplex but Vinci resists. The two struggle briefly until Vinci shows off mega core power when he catches Chase dropping off the second rope, suspends him in air, and turns it into a package driver! Vinci covers for a close two. Vinci threatens a powerbomb but Chase converts it into a roll-up for a close two. Both men go back and forth and Chase avoids a springboard strike, hitting a sit-out powerbomb for yet another close call! The crowd is hot for Chase and chants “that was three” and some “awesome” chants. Both men rise and slug it out. Vinci hits Chase with a chest slap; Chase clubs a forearm. Chase looks for a gut kick but Vinci counters and hits a sit-out powerbomb, more Bautistia style, of his own to pick up the win! Your Winner, Giovanni Vinci!

Backstage are several competitors. It’s announced that Katana Chance & Kayden Carter, Yulissa Leon & Valentina Feroz, and the Diamond Mine’s Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley are three of the four teams for next week’s NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship Fatal 4-Way.

Hartwell is out first, followed by the daughter of the great Santino Marella. The crowd is hot for Indi, chanting for her for the opening moments. Grace twice avoids Hartwell’s working hold and waves to the crowd. After the second time, Hartwell attacks her and locks on a left arm bar. Grace pulls Hartwell’s hair as the ref warns her, and uses it to whip Indi into the ropes. Indi drops Arianna on the rebound and charges her in the corner. Grace takes control from Hartwell as she batters Hartwell in the corner before throwing her down and attempting a pin. Grace begins working on a chin hold on Hartwell. Grace maintains control for a few moments before Hartwell makes her short comeback, using a big boot to lay out Grace for good. Your Winner, Indi Hartwell!

Tony D’Angelo, Channing Lorenzo, Joaquin Wilde and Cruz Del Toro make their way out for our main event and we head to a break! After ten minutes of filler, we finally start this match. Brutus Creed starts off with Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo before giving way to Julius Creed. Both dominate Stacks for the opening moments. Tony D’Angelo tags in and finds himself at the mercy of Julius until he manages to counter an Irish Whip with a rope hold. Tony D heads outside the ring, taunting the Diamond Mine, then enters the ring. All eight men enter the ring and line up, four on four. The ref attempts to restore order but all eight men begin brawling. The six illegal men brawl to the outside while Julius and Tony resume fighting in the ring. Julius looks for an ankle lock so the D’Angelo Family drag Tony D out of the ring. Brutus Creed runs along the apron and dives off, hitting a cannonball that wipes out the D’Angelo Fam and sends us to break as Julius takes it back into the ring. During the break, Roderick Strong tags in for a few moments before pulling in the big man Brutus. Cruz Del Toro tries to scramble away from Brutus but the big man drags him back. Cruz tags in Wilde, who drops Brutus and looks for a cover but only gets two. Wilde begins working over Brutus, switching to working holds to target Brutus’ neck. As we return from break, we enter overrun territory! Yay! Kemp finally comes in for the first time tonight and absolutely destroys both Wilde and Del Toro for several long moments before Del Toro catches him with a chop block to the back of the knee. Damon Kemp finds himself isolated in the D’Angelo corner and the family takes turns tagging in and stomping on Damon Kemp, who’s stuck in a Tree of Woe. Tony D taunts the Creeds briefly before taking it back to Kemp in the corner. Stacks is in next and stomps Kemp, uses a snapmare to take him down and attempts a double-foot stomp for a short cover. Stacks looks to work Kemp’s left leg in a half-crab but Kemp perseveres. Kemp finally breaks free with a slingshot spear that drops Wilde. He begins to crawl towards the Diamond Mine corner but Cruz Del Toro stops him. Del Toro takes precious moments to taunt the Diamond Mine, allowing Kemp to recover enough to dump Del Toro over the top! Kemp makes the hot tag to Julius Creed who comes in on fire! Julius drops Wilde and Lorenzo with suplexes, then catches Del Toro mid-air and hits another suplex! Tony D enters the fray and Julius, straps down, hits German Suplex after Suplex on Tony D’Angelo! Tony D looks to take out the legs of Julius but the Creed brother holds on and slaps on an ankle lock of his own! Stacks makes the save; Brutus enters the ring and throws him out with one hand. Everyone enters, taking turns wiping each other out until it’s just Strong, Julius Creed, and Tony D in the ring. D’Angelo wraps up Julius from behind. Strong attempts a leaping knee strike but Tony D ducks and he hits Julius Creed! Stacks hits the ring and clears it, allowing Tony D to pick up the pin! Your Winners, the D’Angelo Family!

As she’s exiting the building, still holding the women’s tag titles, she’s asked who she thinks will win. She states she doesn’t know but it’ll go to the most deserving champs. Toxic Attraction approach her outside and try to talk her into giving them the tag titles; she tells them if they want to be three-time champs, they’ll have to win it next week. She walks off.

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