White Supremacy and Melania Trump's Eyes

2022-06-11 00:03:03 By : Ms. Celina Tang

I saw some photos of Melania Trump with brown eyes, so I wondered if that was her natural eye color. If she is brown-eyed, how does that relate to her presenting herself as whiter (with blue eyes) now that her husband is America’s premier white supremacist leader? Trump’s first wife Ivana had apparently brown eyes, which was probably beneficial to his business in the multi-ethnic New York community; because his blue-eyed Germanic/Irish family might alienate people whose ancestors have been historically oppressed by America’s Anglo-Saxons. It should be noted that Ivana claims to have both green and brown eyes: 

I love changing the colour of my eyes with contact lenses: I have blue, lavender, hazel and green. The natural colour of my eyes is green when I am happy but, when I'm aggravated or harassed, they are brown. Stay clear when you see them brown.

Though her husband’s family is very white, two of Ivana’s three children have brown eyes; and her daughter Ivanka changed her eye color to speak to a very racist crowd at the Republican National Convention. The Daily Mail reported that “Ivanka had brown eyes during her soundcheck at the Republican National Convention in July, but when she actually gave her speech, they were green.” Ivanka probably wore color contacts, because she thought it made her more attractive which I guess is why most people change their eye color. So, the changing of her eye color could be seen as similar to putting on earrings and a fancy dress for a special occasion, and this theory is supported by evidence she began changing her eye color before the 2016 presidential campaign.

However, it’s possible that family leader Donald Trump instructs his people to look as white as possible to appease racists. Regarding Melania’s alleged eye color change, if she does wear color contacts she would have been wearing them since the 1980s when cosmetic contact lenses started to be mass-produced. During a model session in 1987 when Melania was 16, her eyes appear to be blue. However, the photos are black and white so it’s not certain her eyes were blue then.

However, brown-eyed people have much more pigment in our eyes than blue-eyed people. Therefore, our eyes are not only a different color but almost always darker. “Eye color is directly related to the amount and quality of melanin in the front layers of the iris. People with brown eyes have a large amount of melanin in the iris, while people with blue eyes have much less of this pigment.”

Therefore, black and white photographs of blue-eyed and brown-eyed people often show a stark difference. 

This image of Anglo actress Lucille Ball and her Latino actor/musician husband is an example of how easy it often is to distinguish between the blue-eyed and brown-eyed person in a black and white photo. However, I once read Donald Trump referring to a brown-eyed woman by saying, “She looks like a young Melania.” The woman’s face didn’t look anything like Melania who I had only known with elfish features. But after seeing the images of Melania with brown eyes, I researched Melania’s old pictures and I was stunned by the facial differences of the teenage Melania and how she looked a few years later.

The photo on the left is from an Alabama publication, and the title of the article is “Melania Trump speaks to RNC 2016: From model to First Lady?” They only say it's an “early” photo and Melania's eyes are brown. If you go to the link, above this photo is an OceanDrive Magazine photo dated April 1999, and I'm not sure but Melania's eyes appear brown in that photo also. Maybe the photographers photoshopped Melania's eyes brown for artistic purposes or she misplaced her contact lenses. 

The photo on the right is from the book The Art of Her Deal and Melania looks similar to how she looked at age 16 when she posed for the black and white photo, so I guess the photo was taken when she was a teenager or during her early 20s. Melania’s face today (as shown in the title photograph) is a mix between the elfish look on the left and her teenage look on the right. Therefore, what appears to have happened is that sometime in her twenties Melania had major plastic or reconstructive surgery. Because she was very young and also very beautiful and probably had little money in those days, therefore, it doesn’t make sense that she completely changed her face with plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons.

The most logical guess is that Melania was in an accident that destroyed her face and she had to get reconstructive surgery. That would explain why during the next few decades her face slowly transformed to be more similar to how she looked in the teen pictures, so now it’s a mix of the left photo and the right photo. That’s fascinating but not the point of this diary, which is to consider the possibility that Trump is falsely presenting his wife as blue-eyed to get votes from racist people.

Therefore, I looked at Melania’s parents to find out what genes they passed on to her. Melania’s father Viktor has blue eyes, and her mother Amalija has brown eyes.

Mr. and Mrs. Knavs have two children. Melania’s older sister named Ines has brown eyes. My conclusion is that Melania probably has naturally blue eyes, and that the photos showing her with brown eyes were altered by the photographer for artistic reasons. Some readers might think this diary is unimportant, but the personal is political and, and race is the central issue of Donald Trump’s Make America White Again campaign.