Chekyravaa/Shutterstock @brennasbakery/TikTok (Licensed)
Posted on Aug 7, 2022 Updated on Aug 7, 2022, 2:59 pm CDT
A TikToker went viral after she shared an experience at Walmart, where she was charged more for items at checkout than their listed price.
“You guys, Walmart is scamming people, so, listen up,” the TikToker Brenna (@brennasbakery) starts. She says she went to Walmart to buy Wilton chocolate for a cake. Both online and in the aisle, the listed price was $2.62, she says. However, when she went to the cash register, the chocolate was ringing up at $4 per package.
Brenna brought this to the cashier’s attention, and they adjusted the price of the chocolate—but this wasn’t the only item to ring up at a higher cost than its online and aisle listings. An additional five items rang up at increased prices, she says.
The creator then alleges that Walmart is deliberately scamming people by charging more at checkout.
“I understand inflation is making a lot of prices go up,” she says, “but if the price is also indicating something online, you can buy it for that price online, and it’s that price in the aisle, they’re scamming you. They’re purposefully marking up prices because most people are not gonna check that when they’re checking out.”
Brenna then warns viewers to double-check their prices while checking out at Walmart.
“They’re jacking up their prices, and it is not aligned with inflation,” she concludes. “They’re ripping you off. I don’t know how this isn’t a lawsuit yet.”
Since it was posted on July 29, the video has been viewed over 285,000 times. Several viewers shared similar experiences in the comments.
“This is on going!!! I noticed on several receipts,” one user shared.
“This has happened to every item in my cart when I go to Walmart,” a second wrote, “but it’s within Walmart policy that they will price match with their online price, Target price or the price listed on the shelf.”
“This happened to me! The only reason I knew was bc I checked on the app!!” a third said.
“Yeah that happened to me I bought groceries and they charged me $150 for one item she fixed it,” a fourth commented.
Several users reminded Walmart shoppers to be kind to employees when requesting a price check, as they have no control over setting prices.
“Hello friends!! You should definitely bring up the price adjustment but please remember to be kind to the employees they’re people like us,” one commented.
“Hey Walmart working here, make sure you let people know not to get mad the the actual workers there in the store please, we have no control on price,” another agreed.
Other alleged employees defended Walmart, explaining there’s a different reason behind the issue.
“I don’t think it’s ‘ripping people off’ they’re just not correcting the modules. We get just as mad when the ppl before us never completed their work,” one person justified.
“I use to do mods at Walmart and they are supposed to be done when prices or new items are added it’s supposed to happen when they change the mods,” a second concurred.
Regardless of the reason, some viewers said mislabeled prices are the reason they stopped shopping at Walmart.
“Yup happened to me last month never went back,” one user said.
“That’s one of the reasons why I don’t shop at Walmart,” another stated.
The Daily Dot reached out to Bren for comment via TikTok comment and Walmart via website contact form.
Melody Heald is a culture writer. Her work can be found in Glitter Magazine, BUST Magazine, and more.
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