Because of the eye’s delicate structure, some people may find the experience of wearing contact lenses for the first time scary. This may even discourage some patients from making the transition to contact lenses in the first place. However, within just a few days of wearing them, most people who use contact lenses can do so without any problems. Along with the incredible health benefits of using contact lenses, inserting and removing the lenses from their eyes becomes just another part of their daily routine.
Educating yourself on colored contact lenses can ensure you use them most effectively and securely. Several different contact lens rules have been established to ensure your eyes remain safe while wearing them. Even if you’re an experienced user of contact lenses, it won’t hurt to refresh your memory on the proper ways to care for, clean, and maintain hygiene with your lenses.
The following guide will assist you in accelerating the process of becoming used to contact lenses. It will cover the periods before, during, and after putting on and taking off your contact lenses.
The contact lens color that looks best on you will be determined by several characteristics, including the color of your hair and skin tone. Ultimately, the design and color that is best for you to choose from relies on the appearance you want to achieve. This look may be bold, dramatic, or natural-looking and understated.
Regardless of the reasons for wanting to get contact lenses, the piece of advice that an eye exam is the most critical stage in the process will always remain true. Your optometrist will not only evaluate your requirements regarding your vision, but they will also determine the type and form of contacts you require depending on the structure of your eyes and other aspects of your health. Because it is vitally important, you should still get this exam done if you simply intend to purchase colored or “non-prescription” contact lenses. It may spare you a great deal of misery (as well as waiting time) in the future.
First, ensure the lens is the correct side up. You should check for a company name or an inscription on the lens itself. Everything is in order if you can make out what the lettering says. If there is no inscription of this kind on the lens, you will need to examine the shape of the lens when it is held with the bottom facing up. The bottom part of the lens should be rounded to indicate that it is facing in the correct direction. You will need to rotate it if the bottom of it tapers off into a point, forming what is virtually the shape of a “V.”
Let’s go through some tips to get you started on the right foot with your brand-new contact lenses so you can enjoy a lifetime of good vision.
Okay, you have them on, but they can’t remain in that position indefinitely! First, properly wash your hands, and then, while looking up or to the side, use one finger to pull your lower eyelid down. Pinch the lens with your other hand gently, and then lift it off the surface of your eye. This applies to lenses with a soft surface. When removing hard lenses, you should seek your physician’s counsel.
Maintaining the health of your eyes can be aided by correctly caring for your contact lenses, which is why these tasks should be incorporated into your regular routines wherever possible. Rinsing and disinfecting your lenses will help you maintain their pristine condition. In many cases, multipurpose solutions can accomplish both goals, but only if those solutions are compatible with the lenses you use. Your lenses must be replaced at the appropriate intervals. Some contact lenses are designed to be worn for only one day, while others can be worn continuously for up to an entire year.
Even if the day-to-day responsibilities of wearing contact lenses feel burdensome right now, we guarantee that you won’t even give a second thought when handling your lenses after some time of consistent use. You can always visit for more tips on wearing contact lenses.