2022-08-08 03:42:21 By : Ms. Emma WEI

In this Bear and Breakfast guide, we will guide you through The A24 Main Quests. This covers where to go, who to talk to, what rewards you will receive, Quest Item locations, and other pertinent information.

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Hank has successfully opened up a bed and breakfast in Timber Crossing, and business is booming, but now it's time to expand. Anton, a junk mobster with an unfriendly demeanor has made him an offer that he could easily refuse, but why would he?

To the south of Timber Crossing is the A24, a large desert region with some potential. Surely the Humans would love to visit this scenic place.

With the path to the A24 now open, Hank feels the urge to go check it out.

Go south of Timber Crossing and enter the A24 to find Anton

The A24 will be a new region which means new materials. Explore A24 and interact with Rubble Piles. These will yield new crafting materials, including Porcelain Chunks, Plastic Boards, Synthetic Sheets, and Stone Brick. 

You will also find new items to repair, like the Gas Pump at the southern part of the amp. To repair, you will need 5 Steel Plate, 2 Electronics, 10 Copper Plate, and 5 Plastic Board. At the southwestern part of the map, you will find a Metal Biker Bear that needs to be repaired. To repair it, you will need 10 Copper Plate, 5 Iron Plate, 3 Steel Plate, and 2 Rubber Slab.

After you are done exploring, head towards the quest marker on your map to meet with Anton. He is in his office by The Dump. Interact with him to complete the Quest.

Anton is different from other mob bosses, but to get his help, you will need to do something for him. One of his workers, Wade, is gone, and there is only one place he could be: Blackmoss.

Go to Blackmoss from the A24a

Head west from Anton’s office and follow the road. Head north and to your left, you will see the lower entrance to Blackmoss. It's recommended to enter Blackmoss during the day since the region is difficult to navigate because of its rivers and blocked areas. 

Explore Blackmoss and collect materials. You will find a Progression Item here, the Charcoal Lily. There is one item that needs repair in this area, the Swamp Bridge. You need x2 Iron Nail, x10 Pinewood Plank, and x1 Logger’s Tools to repair. 

Make your way to the southwest, and you will come across a house. Interact with Charlotte the Witch. She’ll invite you into her house and there you will find Wade. She wants to get rid of wade, but o do that, you need to find Charcoal Lilies for her.

The interaction also unlocks new items in Ipswitch’s Wholesale, located in the A24.

Charlotte might be a creepy old witch, but she has Wade, and you need Wade. It is probably best to get her the Charcoal Lillies she needs so you can get out of there.

Get 12x Charcoal Lilies for Charlotte

If you have been gathering Charcoal Lilies while exploring, then this Quest will be all ready ot turn in. If not, explore Blackmoss and pick up 12 Charcoal Lilies. When you are done, turn them in to Charlotte. She'll then release Wade.

With Wade successfully rescued from the clutches of Charlotte the Witch, you can return to Anton and let him know what happened.

Go back to Anton's office and interact with him. He will grant you access to the Garbage Dump. Explore the dump and interact with all of the piles and broken washing machines to get more materials.

Now that you have entered this new region, it is time to expand. Luckily there is an abandoned motel located to the west of the Garbage Dump that's perfect.

Check the sign next to the Motel to start repairing it

To get the next Quest, head over to Fin, who is located to the southwest of Anton’s Garbage Dump. Fin will task you with cleaning up the abandoned motel. Head north towards the Motel and interact with the construction sign.

To complete this Quest, you must complete "Cleaning up the Motel" and "Extra Mo'terials."

As you know, to get a bed and breakfast up and running, you need to clean up the trash and materials.

Clear the debris in the Motel

Enter the motel and clear up all the debris. The debris will yield a lot of crafting materials and Valuables. When you are done, interact with the construction sign.

The old motel is looking much better now that the debris has been cleared; however, you will need to gather some materials in order to completely repair the place.

Collect x8 Plywood Planks, x5 Iron Nails, x Stone Bricks

If you explored the A24 prior to working on this Quest, then chances are you have all the materials you need. If not, walk around this new region and gather x8 Plywood Planks, x5 Iron Nails, and x5 Stone Bricks. Once you have collected the items, interact with the construction sign. The Motel will be completely repaired.

This will complete the Quest "The Marooned Motel."

The Motel is now clean and repaired. It's time to build bedrooms, craft furniture, and start booking guests.

Build a bedroom and book it to a guest

After you complete "Extra Mo’terials," head back to Fin and interact with it. Now you're on your way to building out the Motel. Repair the nearby Workbench and start working on the Motel.

Note: The Motel unlocks two additional rooms: Bathroom and The Distillery.

Once you build a bedroom, place your Front Desk inside the Motel and assign the bedroom to a guest. You'll notice that your guests have a new Hygiene requirement, in which case, you will need to build a bathroom. To build a Bathroom, you need a 3x3 room, with a toilet, shower, and a sink. At this point, you will be unable to craft a sink, a toilet, and a shower, so book the room anyway and head back to Fin. Fin will then unlock new recipes in Pawn Voyage for the Rusted Bathroom Sink, Wooden Shower Recipe, and Crappy Toilet Recipe.

Go to the Workbench and craft the sink, shower, and toilet. Then build the bathroom and place the items within it. Once you are done, head back to Fin. This will unlock the Basic Beer Tap Recipe, Wood Bar Stool Recipe, and the Sturdy Wooden Bar Recipes.

The new Motel is great, but it could be made even better. You have a new room option available: The Distillery. It seems like the Motel could use a really nice bar.

Build a functional Distillery in the Motel

Now that you have these new furniture recipes, head to your Workbench and craft them. After you have the furniture, go into Build Mode and build The Distillery. To build a Distillery, you need a 4x5 room, with 1 Door, 1 Wooden Bar, 1 Stool, and 1 Beer Tap. This can be placed anywhere in the Motel, but remember that you might need additional bedrooms and bathrooms later, so don't make the room too big.

Once you are done, head back to Fin. This interaction unlocks more items in Pawn Voyage.

You now have everything you need to complete the Motel. Build new bedrooms, new bathrooms, and start booking your Human guests.

Complete the stay for +3 Guests in A24

At this point, you will need to create more bedrooms in The Motel. By making rooms 4x4 you will have more room for furniture and decorative items. Once you build the bedrooms, go to the Front Desk and assign new guests to the rooms. This is also a good time to check the Pawn Voyage in Timber Crossing. There should be new recipes for Level 2 Bedroom furniture, including Rustic Delight Bed, Cushioned Footrest, and Small Vanity Table.

Once you have completed this Quest, go back to Fin. This will complete the Fin Quests. You can now interact with the A24 Placard to get Management Quests.

Note: While completing this Quest, you will see Gus the Possum strolling by the Motel. Talk to the Possum to get an extra Quest.

While working on the Motel, you come across a peculiar possum named Gus. He doesn't like compliments, so you should definitely give him one.

Give Gus the Possum a compliment

Approach Gus and interact with him. You want to compliment him, but you are given two options:

Choose Option 2. Gus will yell at you and claim he is the biggest jerk you’ve ever met. This concludes the quest.

Next to the Motel is a run-down diner that you know nothing about, but at some point during the Quest "Rat Pack" you unlocked items at a place called Ipswitch's Wholesale. Perhaps it's time for a visit?

Restore the Diner to its former glory

As you are waiting for guests to arrive and to complete the A24 Placard Jobs, head east, and you will see an old store. Enter and talk to Ipswitch, the goose. They will give you the task of restoring the Diner located next to the Motel.

You will need to complete the quests, "Cleaning the Diner," and "Greedy Ingredients" to complete this quest.

You know the drill when cleaning up old places. Go in and clear out what you can.

Clear the debris in the Diner

Interact with the construction sign, and you will be tasked to clean out the Diner. If you have already, then you can immediately turn this in. If not, enter the Diner and pick up the Valuables off the floor and interact with the piles. Once the Diner is cleared out, interact with the construction sign again.

The Diner is now clean, but you need materials to repair it.

Gather up x8 Copper Plates, x10 Porcelain Chunks, and x5 Glass Panels, and consult the sign once you're done

If you have all the materials already, you can turn it in. If not, go to the A24 Garbage Dump and pick up the materials you need. Once you have the materials, interact with the construction sign. The Diner will then be repaired. Head back to Ipswitch to complete the Quest.

As you explored the A24, you may have encountered a nice old lady named Barbara. If not, then it's time to meet her.

Go talk to Barbara in the A24

After completing "Mo Tel Mo Problems," Barbara will ask you to see her. Head northwest of the Motel, and you will find Barbara by Took’s Garbage.

Talk to Barbara, and she will tell you about the sailors who used to visit the A24 and the surrounding regions. It seems like back then, things were quite nice. Barabar does have one request for you.

Find the Travel Itinerary in A24 for Barbara

If you managed to pick this up earlier while you exploring the A24, then you can turn this in already. If not, head over to the small shed to the west of the Motel. Go inside and search the items in there. One of the chests will have the old Travel Itinerary. Head back to Barbara to turn in the quest.

Note: Completing this quest will unlock new routes toward Highlake and Darkgrove.

Looking for even more on Bear and Breakfast? Be sure to check our Walkthrough of the Management (Placard) Quests.