Smart contact lenses have been developed by scientists that diagnose cancer by detecting tumor chemicals found in tears during the early stages of the disease.
It captures the signals of transporters called ‘exosomes,’ which are a little like secret messengers within our bodi
Scientists from the Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation (TIBI) have developed a contact lens that can capture and detect exosomes, nanometer-sized vesicles found in bodily secretions which have the potential for being diagnostic cancer biomarkers. The lens was designed with microcha
NYPA Maura Balaban | | (914) 646-6016
National Grid John Lamontagne | | (339) 223-6077
WHITE PLAINS—The New York Power Authority and National Grid NY today announced the greenlighting o
It’s time for green startups to think more strategically when building their investor relationships. Image via Shutterstock/Dimj
Entrepreneurs of green startups are especially excited when we reach the point where we can grow. It demonstrates that our initial idea has been well-receive
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August 17, 2022 | Mike Enright '88 (CLAS), Univer
August 18, 2022 07:32 ET | Source: ReportLinker ReportLinker
New York, Aug. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the r
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© 2022 MJH Life Sciences™ and Optometry Times. All rights reserved.
Daily disposable contact lenses combine with an established antihistamine for the world's first drug-eluting contact lenses.
WINTER LED AC/ DC 12W B22 Inverter Rechargeable Emergency Led Bulb: Its price is 349 rupees. Why is it 12W? It is also a rechargeable emergency bulb. It promises to give light for up to 4 hours. It takes 8 to 10 hours to charge as per above. Its warranty is also 6 months.
Phyllo 9wa
Photo Credit: Green Bay Police Department
Someone damaged the Green Bay Police Department’s Surveillance Trailer, and they are trying to figure out who.
The trailer known as Eagle Eye is used to help reduce drug and gun problems, and to help ensure the overall peace of the commun
Health officials are advising nearby residents and visitors take precautions because of the presence of blue-green algae in a Strathmore lake.
The bloom of cyanobacteria, which looks like scum, grass clippings, fuzz or globs on the surface of the water, can cause skin irritation, s