Drive-through collection sites to open for free RATs for close contacts

2022-06-11 00:01:12 By : Ms. Lena Fan

Drive-through collection sites will open across the Perth metropolitan area on Wednesday 18 May to provide people who are close contacts with no symptoms additional free rapid antigen tests (RATs).

Close contacts with no symptoms can leave their place of isolation provided they undertake a daily RAT, wear a mask at all times outside the home, and avoid high-risk settings.

Vaccination clinics in the Perth metropolitan area and regional collection points at testing clinics will also continue to distribute free RATs for close contacts.

To access free RATs at these locations, close contacts with no symptoms are required to verbally confirm they are a close contact to access their 10 free RATs and can collect on behalf of others in their household – up to a maximum of 30 RATs.

Three drive-through collections sites for close contacts to collect RATs will open in:

Visit the WA free RAT program page for location addresses and opening times.

People who return a positive RAT result must register their result online with the Department of Health. Those who do not have access to the online registration system must still report their positive test result by contacting 13 COVID (13 26843).

Visit the WA free RAT program page for more information and a list of pick up locations.

Visit the WA COVID-19 information home page

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