St. Louis, June 28, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- St. Louis, Missouri -
St. Louis, MO based Brinton Vision has published a new article that aims to help readers learn about contact lens intolerance. Since many might assume that contact lenses are as reliable as other correction methods, the clinic wishes to explain how this might not always be the case, and they clarify that people who develop an intolerance to contact lenses may still have other alternatives available.
The article begins by stating that the clinic considers contact lenses to be a reasonable vision correction solution, albeit a temporary one. While they may not offer as many advantages as the LASIK procedure, for instance, many may prefer contact lenses over glasses for certain reasons (such as maintaining a glasses-free appearance and finding it easier to engage in an active lifestyle). However, people should be aware that they are likely to discover that their beloved contact lenses may no longer be viable at some point.
As the article explains, "most people who wear contacts eventually run into issues. They may use their trusted brand for many years successfully, and then boom! Suddenly, their eye begins showing signs that it's reacting poorly to contact lenses. It's called contact lens intolerance (CLI), and this overlooked issue can be a real problem with alarming consequences. In this article, we'll explore contact lens intolerance, including symptoms, causes, treatment options and alternative procedures such as LASIK and other vision correction options."
Typically, CLI occurs as a result of long-term wear, but it can also be caused by prolonged use of the contact lens, poor contact lens hygiene and even deposits on the contact lens. Since contact lenses are a foreign body, the eyes may begin to reject them, and symptoms of this manifest as excessive tearing, redness, pain, dry eye, a burning or stinging sensation and so on. Where the wearer was once able to use contact lenses without issue, they may now not be able to use them without a significant amount of discomfort and pain. While it is true that serious cases of CLI have been known to lead to infections, corneal abrasions and more, the clinic clarifies that people should not conclude they have this specific condition just because they experience these symptoms as they can be caused by a number of conditions. The right response is always to take reasonable precautions (such as temporarily discontinuing contact lens use) and seeking the advice of an eye doctor.
A wearer can switch back to glasses during this period, but given that CLI can be caused by several factors, seeking diagnosis and treatment at once is advisable. To aid in this, the clinic says they should also bring their contact lens with them when they visit the eye doctor.
"Lens intolerance is common," Brinton Vision says, "due to the unique characteristics and anatomy of the eye. The cornea is the only part of the human body that takes oxygen directly from the air, rather than indirectly via the lungs. Wearing contacts places a barrier between that oxygen and the surface of the eye. For this reason, contacts are usually designed to allow oxygen to permeate the lens, but an accumulation of bacteria, oils, dirt and more can block oxygen from reaching the cornea."
Notably, the clinic says the vast majority of contact lens wearers can expect to experience CLI at some point. However, they can also increase their likelihood of experiencing it earlier by engaging in poor lens hygiene, which Brinton Vision says is unfortunately quite common. The article says, "According to a survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 50 percent of contact lens wearers report not complying with their eye doctor's contact lens care instructions. What's more, most contact lens wearers reported at least one habit that would be considered poor contact lens hygiene."
A list of examples of such habits can be found in the full article, and Brinton Vision invites their community to read it in order to understand how they can maximize the longevity of their contact lens use. Those concerned about their eyes may also contact the clinic's staff to schedule an appointment with an experienced eye doctor.
For more information about Brinton Vision, contact the company here: Brinton Vision Jami Brinton 314-375-2020 Brinton Vision 555 N New Ballas Rd Ste 310 St. Louis, MO 63141
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